MPLA Rubber Ducks

Hi l, I remember asking about this when I attended my first MPLA conference in 2014.

This was the scoop from Hot Tub Roundtable cofounder Eileen Wright: "The MPLA Hot Tub Roundtable began in 2009, with the hopes of creating another avenue for MPLA folks to gather for an evening of laughter and fun. We had to have rubber duckies join us, of course. So each year we make sure to have a night set aside for our Hot Tub Roundtable and the naming of the ducks, which change each year..."

Even though there was no Hot Tub Roundtable in Missoula (alas!), Roy gets credit for bringing some truly excellent ducks. I'm already looking for the perfect web-footed characters to bring to Oklahoma next March! Best,

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