Current MPLA members are invited to subscribe to the MPLA Members List. You can subscribe two ways:
- Current MPLA members are invited to subscribe to the MPLA Listserv/eList. You can subscribe two ways:
- Login to your membership profile. Go to MPLA website:, and find “login” at upper right of page. At your profile find the list under “Features.”
- Send e-mail request to MPLA Executive Secretary:, who will subscribe for you.
- After subscribing to the list, to participate in the listserv, send your message to Messages must be sent from the email address associated with your current MPLA membership.
- This listserv is made available to our current members as a professional tool. Therefore, messages should be of interest to a large segment of MPLA members. Topics that are of limited interest or otherwise irrelevant to the professional nature of the listserv should be discussed off-list and through individual conversations.
- Before you reply to a post on the listserv, please consider if your response should be directed to the entire listserv or just the sender. Hit “reply” to respond to all participants of the listserv. If you want to reply only to the sender, hit “reply” and replace the “To” field with the original contributor’s email address.
- Original posters are encouraged to compile and post a summary of responses when their topic generates a lot of interest.
- Indicate the message’s content in the subject line of your email. Avoid using generic subject lines such as “Need Info.” When responding to a post, check the subject line to make sure it still reflects the topic and enter a new subject if needed. Do not piggyback on someone else’s message if you are discussing something completely different.
- Adding a signature block including name, organization, and contact information is highly encouraged.
- Lively discussion and debate about professional matters are welcomed on the listserv. The tone of messages should be respectful and professional, focusing on the topic at hand. Bullying or demeaning comments will not be tolerated. Note: Users are expected to follow common netiquette when posting to the listserv. For example:
- Members participating in research or studies are welcome to post survey requests. Please include the expected time it will take to complete the survey and when appropriate, share the final results back to the listserv.
- Messages may be forwarded from other lists if relevant to MPLA members. Please remove extraneous lines, but leave enough information to identify the original source.
- Announcements of job openings relevant to library professionals are welcome, but MPLA also maintains a job-opening list on its website.
- The listserv does not accept ads from outside publishers, vendors, or commercial entities. However, questions and discussion initiated by MPLA members about products or services are appropriate, as this provides a forum for members recommendations and assistance.
- If any additions or modifications are needed to these guidelines, they will be reviewed by the MPLA Communications Committee and then submitted to the MPLA Executive Board.
- To address any questions or concerns with the listserv, contact