Grants are awarded to support the following: Formal course work in library science or a related discipline and/or directly related to an individual's library position. Attendance as a participant or a presenter at a library or scholarly workshop, seminar, or conference. Visits to another library to receive or provide significant advanced training in library services or procedures. Library related research projects.
Grants are awarded to encourage opportunities for continuing education for the MPLA membership through pre or post conferences at the annual meetings of state associations in the region. If a state does not offer pre/post conference programs, that state can be awarded a grant for a presentation of comparable significance during the conference.
The Professional Development Committee supports avenues of continuing education and research experiences for individuals employed in the library or related professions in the Mountain Plains region.
The Evaluative Report is due within 60 days following the conclusion of the program for which the grant was given, or before the next MPLA Annual Conference, whichever occurs first.